MycAgro Lab. proposes a large range of analyzes in agriculture and environnement sectors.
Our laboratory analyses the beneficial microflora of your soil or growth medium.
Our strength :
With more than ten years of experience in production, diagnostic and formulation, MycAgro Lab. is the first independent laboratory in France to propose a wide choice of analysis centred on symbiotic micro-organisms : Mycorrhizae fungi
Our goals :
✤ Valorise the biodiversity of your soils
✤ Provide advice and interpretation in line with your technical and financial field requirements
MycAgro Lab. is there for you :
✤ Farmer, wine and tree grower, market gardener, nursery, landscape gardener,
✤ Public and private agricultural research centre, technical adviser, agricultural college and services
✤ Agrobusiness including bio fertilisers, fertilisers and substrates
✤ R&D laboratories